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RE: State of MD seeks to close local firm

The IAEA Basic Safety Standards, Safety Series, 115 and ICRP 60 explain:

Excepted for medical exposure, the optimization of the protection and safety
measures associated with any particular source within a practice shall be
subject to dose constrains which ensure, for any source, that can release
radioactive substances to the environment, that the cumulative effects of
each annual release from the source be restricted so that the effective dose
in a year to any member of the public, including people distant from the
source and people of  future generations, is unlike to exceed any relevant
dose limit, taking into account cumulative releases  and the  exposures
expected to be deliverd by all other relevant  sources and practices under
The average dose constraints in Brazil, for example is 0.3 of the dose
limit, to assure that the sum of doses to critical group from all controlled
sources remains within the dose limit.

J. J. Rozental

At 11:14 AM 6/16/99 -0500, you wrote:
>My understanding is that 100 mrem (not including background) is the limit a
>member of the public should receive from all sources combined. Therefore,
>if this company is giving the receptor almost the whole 100 mrem, that
>doesn't leave much dose from other sources before the individual will
>receive a dose that exceeds the recommended limit.  
>Phil Egidi

>At 10:44 AM 6/16/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>The funny thing is, they are still below the limits!  Maybe it isn't ALARA, 
>>but I am sure the regulators and the Washington Post don't want to have to 
>>explain THAT one.
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>information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html

The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html