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Re: News of Neutron Products' Status
However, popular or not, the information that low doses of ionizing radiation may
be benificial must get into the public mind, whether agreed to or not. That all
radiation is deadly is simply not known to be true. But the public believes it
is. Even some health physicists believe it to be true. The information about
the benefits (hormesis, adaptive response, etc.) must also be known and
considered by the public. There may be better ways to say it, but it must be
said - often and loudly. Al Tschaeche antatnsu@pacbell.net
Mrtgoldman@aol.com wrote:
> Further news on the outcome of the court hearing on an injunction shutting
> down NP's operations. The last paragraph suggests why Jack Ransohoff is not
> so popular with the State and his neighbors...
> "The only thing they have to fear is that they are not getting enough"
> radiation, he said, as the eyes of opponents widened in surprise. "There is
> some evidence to suggest that low doses of radiation stimulate the immune
> system."
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