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Hi all

The Supervising Scientist undertook a study of the science related to a number of issues associated with the Jabiluka uranium mine, and its potential environmental impact. The study was in response to a request of the World Heritage Committee and addresses issues specifically raised by the World Heritage Committee. The Supervising Scientist used a number of independent consultants (universities, CSIRO, Bureau of Meteorology) to complete his report in order to ensure that it incorporated the best available science. The use of consultants also enhances the Report's credibility as it reduces the opportunity for our detractors to attack its objectivity - the Supervising Scientist, and the Office of the Supervising Scientist have been accused of being puppets of the Government, something which we strenuously deny!!

The report is available on the web at:


This report was prepared without any input whatsoever from the Minister for the Environment, or his Department (excluding us of course). Infact, the Minister and other parts of the Department never saw a draft, and did not see the final until it was released to the public and sent to the World Heritage Committee.

It is clear from this report and from the nearly 20 years of experience (monitoring, research, etc) gained at the Ranger Uranium mine, 20km to the South of Jabiluka, which is operated by the same company that operates Jabiluka, that the natural world heritage values for which Kakadu was inscribed on the World Heritage List are NOT in danger due to U mining. 

Our report has been reviewed by scientists nominated by ICSU. Their review is generally favorable, although they seek some further information and draw a couple of conclusions with which we disagree. Those conclusions appear to be borne from the fact that the ICSU scientists had a very short time in which to comment on our report, and have never been to the site which precludes their gaining an appreciation for the relative scales of the mine area and the park. They acknowledge this in their report, and considering the limitations on them, they have produced a good review. We are in the process of providing the ICSU scientist with the information they seek, and further information to address the conclusions they drew with which we disagree. 

For anyone who is interested in this issues, I suggest you read our report. If anyone has any specific questions, please email me directly and I will answer them.


Alex Zapantis
Director, State of Environment Reporting
Health Physicist
Office of the Supervising Scientist
Ph: (int+) 61 2 6274 2037
Fax:(int+) 61 2 6274 2060
Email: alex.zapantis@ea.gov.au

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