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Concrete Shield Test
- To: BAMAMCK@AOL.com, BraggJ@AOL.com, CFERGU3366@AOL.com, DMWIRKUS@AOL.com, DWMPh@AOL.com, Jimmm96@AOL.com, REFARNAM@CAL.AMEREN.com, SteveL@chesapeake.net, 73573.3310@compuserve.com, wcp@cycat.com, augustinus.ong@dartmouth.edu, KentDB@doe-md.gov, mjboyle@duke-energy.com, JRidgel@entergy.com, Dale.Seiller@fernald.gov, dwaine.brown@halliburton.com, BradM@hiwaay.net, jmolner@jnlk.com, JGeorge@lanl.gov, Knoell_Lee@lanl.gov, mbayless@lanl.gov, RGMorgan@lanl.gov, Trinoskey1@llnl.gov, MTByrnes@lucent.com, CTR@NRC.gov, PN9@ornl.gov, WHARRIS@PECO-ENERGY.com, Jerry.Allen@pnl.gov, Kelly.Neal@pnl.gov, SVKirk@prodigy.net, Lindsay_A_Nelsen@rl.gov, robert_j_bob_thomas@rl.gov, RADSAFE@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu, KJames@scescape.net, MadsonDP@songs.sce.com, RolphJT@songs.sce.com, buddy.crowder@SRS.gov, mstewart@sy.nnsy.navy.mil, Curtis.L.Repass2@ucm.com, richard.farrell@wemail.wisenergy.com, NORMS@WTACCESS.com
- Subject: Concrete Shield Test
- From: Dave Biela <BielaD@wv.doe.gov>
- Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 14:02:57 -0400
We have a discussion going on over the need to perform a concrete shield wall integrity test of a new remote handled waste facility we are designing. I have not been able to find anything to assist with my side of the discussion stating that it is mandatory to perform one or under what conditions it needs to be done.
I am looking for specific references dealing with the shielding topic that I may not have read (ANSI standards, CFRs, DOE regs etc). Your help is appreciated.
Contact me directly at: BielaD@wv.doe.gov
Dave Biela
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