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I am interested in hearing from facilities in reference to 10CFR20 section
20.2104, Determination of prior occupational dose. When a worker processes in
at your facility, what steps are taken to obtain previous years exposure,
current year exposure, and NRC Form 4s? If a worker does not have the data
readily available, how much effort is expended to retrieve it from other sites?
How does the PADS system work at your facility? If you are a multiple facility
company, what is your process for workers travelling between your facilities
from an Exposure Control standpoint? Finally, what is your process of workers
leaving the site from an Exposure Control standpoint?
In addition, I am interested in the following TLD data. Are your TLDs read
onsite or offsite? If they are read offsite, who is your vendor and are your
satisfied with their service? If they are read onsite, do you read TLDs from
other facilities? Is your TLD change out performed on a quarterly basis or
another basis? Are your TLDs Panasonic or Harshaw?
Please provide response to:
Sharon Boggs
757-365-2665 ext. 3469
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