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Center for radation detector development

A team has been formed here at LLNL to explore the possibility of forming a
center for radiation detector development (actual name TBD).  One of the
things they are looking at is, what are the anticipated future needs in the
field of radiation detection?  The other thing they are considering is,
what will the scope of interest be at the center?   As you can probably
guess, the second question really drives the first one.  Our national
security needs will certainly be included in the scope but they are
considering other areas too.

We are aware of the anticipated needs and shortfalls in the areas if SNM
control and proliferation prevention/treaty verification.  What I would
like is some feed back from the HP community on what holes you see out
there that need to be filled.  Let me know and I will compile the info. and
pass it on to the team.

My impression was that they will also work to strengthen the dwindling
number of experts in this field through student sponorships, etc.  They
reported decreasing numbers of college students studying nuclear fields and
of those studying them here in the US, high percentages of them are foreign
nationals.  Are there any universities that offer specializations in
radiation detection?

| | | |    Kim Merritt, RRPT
| | | |__  Physics Safety Support Officer
| | \___/  Lawrence Livermore National Labs
| \___/    merritt9@llnl.gov
\___/      Voice: (925)423-9668   Fax: (925)422-7160
	   "When the only tool you have is a hammer,
	   every problem begins to resemble a nail."
	   -Abraham Maslow
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