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RE: They are at it again! (NBC)
Jim is right. We are trying here to fight more stringent regs in Canada that
are basically a response from public misunderstanding of risk...
I let the last wave on radsafe about the other disaster movie trend (Atomic
Train) as the movie was so stupid, it did not deserve any writing on it (and
when I saw it, what a laught... I felt sorry for TV viewers, what a stupid
way to fight a HAZMAT fire...)
Anyway, we should really focus on education (I heard that one before...) and
forget about TV "entertainment". Yes, TV is a mass-media and the majority
will watch the next disaster movie...forget about it in two days and wait
for the next one... And yes, after X-files and other series like that, I'm
ready to beleive that more people beleive in a Conspiracy...
We have to realize that nuclear "sells" in the disaster movie industry and
there is not much we can do, even if we present the world the best safety
report there is...If there is a risk, even remote, someone in Hollywood will
jump on it !
We are lucky to be in the field of Health Physics, so at least we can have a
good time watching Atomic train (hum...)and other idiotic presentations. But
if there is any consolation, lots of my friends do not even bother watching
such type of movies, as they consider them dumb and unrealistic ! (coming
from layers, engineers, accountants,teachers not bad don't you think?)
I am waiting for the next movie about Cassini and Gallileo, now they are
approching Earth...They can combine Plutonium with a meteorite shower
and...(where is my Yellow pages, I will call Hollywood:-)
Only my opinion on a rainy morning !
Stephane Jean-Francois, P. Eng., CHP
Specialiste en radioprotection/Radiation Safety Specialist
Gestion des risques/Risk Management
Merck Frosst Canada & Co
TEL: 514.428.8695
FAX; 514.428.8541
email: stephane_jeanfrancois@merck.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Muckerheide [mailto:jmuckerheide@delphi.com]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 3:18 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Re: They are at it again! (NBC)
Gene, all,
We need to address the real problem, NRC and NCRP, and ignore NBC: (with
EPA, DOE, etc.)
See the many current examples of Paducah, etc. etc. Fear-mongering of the
public to keep the funding going.
NBC just reflects what they get from our gov't 'friends' re phony radiation
hazards and nuclear power 'risks' (not to mention air crews, etc.).
Regards, Jim Muckerheide
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