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RE: Beam Correction Factors
Dick Olsher of LANL has used MCNP runs with the following response for the
9" REM ball; results are normalized to unit incidence fluence and use a
certain neutron spectrum.
1" dia beam/9" beam = 0.0187,
2" dia beam/9" beam = 0.0733,
4" dia beam/9" beam = 0.274
The factors assume that if the fluence fields are expanded to fully
irradiate the REM ball, ratios would be unity.
Hope this helps.
Miroslav Lieskovský
Health Physicist
PO BOX 10, Lepreau, NB, Canada, E0G 2H0
tel. (506) 659 7421, fax. (506) 659 6507
-----Original Message-----
From: Kathryn M. Brock [mailto:brockkm@engr.orst.edu]
Sent: August 26, 1999 3:27 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Beam Correction Factors
When monitoring with a portable neutron remmeter, is it appropriate when
measuring a small collimated beam to correct for the size of the detector
(sphere) volume in the same manner that the dose rate is corrected when
measuring a gamma beam with an ion chamber? Is there a good reference
Kathryn M. Brock
Health Physicist
Radiation Center
Oregon State University
100 Radiation Center
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: 541-737-7047
Fax: 541-737-0480
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