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RE: Letter to NPR
Yesterday I spoke with representatives of ANS, AIP, and another industry
group whose acronym I can't remember. My understanding is that all of these
organizations have been actively contacting media members. One person told
me that AIP was virtually "writing on bathroom walls" the names of informed
health physicists. In addition, some media reports I have read did cite
knowledgeable sources who were concerned, but not alarmist. "We" may not
have responded with the same degree of discipline or organization as others,
but there does seem to have been an effort to contact the media and, through
them, the public. Unfortunately, Armageddon sells better than cautious
concern (which I guess I can vouch for as my father used to be in the
newspaper business).
Andrew Karam, CHP (716) 275-1473 (voice)
Radiation Safety Officer (716) 275-3781 (office)
University of Rochester (716) 256-0365 (fax)
601 Elmwood Ave. Box HPH Rochester, NY 14642
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