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RE: Letter to NPR

Just to clarify.  Are you stating that this accident is not as bad as TMI
or are they?  In either case I would have to disagree.  There will almost
surely be two deaths and possibly three from this.  Seems to me that that
is much worse than TMI.  Not as costly as TMI to the industry but the human
cost is much higher, which is more important?

>Good for you, Bernie!!  I was also appalled (and am contacting NPR) at (a)
>the reiteration that this accident "was not as bad as TMI" and (b) all the
>doomsday stuff that passes for reporting: e.g. people will suffer horrendous
>consequences and all kinds of illness for many years.
>Clearly only my own opinion.
>Ruth F. Weiner, Ph. D.
>Sandia National Laboratories
>MS 0718, POB 5800
>Albuquerque, NM 87185-0718
>505-844-4791; fax 505-844-0244
Kim Merritt
Physics Safety Support Officer
phone 3-9668
pager 01017
fax 2-7160
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