Units are mentioned here, but no quantities are specified. There are a number of different quantities (defined in ICRU Report 51, for example) that are expressed in units of Sv, but I'm not aware of any quantity having units of Sv that has any application with regard to acute deterministic effects.
Bruce Heinmiller CHP
From: Bjorn Sandstrom[SMTP:sandstrom@ume.foa.se]
Reply To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 10:55 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Re: Units of high dose
In this case, when there's a large fraction of neutrons involved I prefer
Sv to Gy. A person getting 10 Sv would then show equivalent symptoms to a
person receiving 10 Gy from a pure gamma- or X-ray emitter.
Dr. Bjorn Sandstrom Tel: +46-90- 10 67 43
FOA Mobile: +46-70-666 67 43
SE-901 82 Umea Fax: +46-90- 10 68 03
Sweden E-mail: sandstrom@ume.foa.se
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