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RE: Letter to NPR
Could someone from NRC identify the problem that Mr. Lochbaum claimed to
have identified, please?
One of my biggest concerns about organizations like UCS is that they claim
to represent "stakeholders" in the nuclear endeavor (and Mr. Lochbaum has
himself claimed to be a stakeholder). Yet they are by no means stakeholders
nor stakeholder representatives, except in the distant sense that they use
electricity and are defended by the U. S. weapons arsenal. It is we who
earn a living in some aspect of nuclear science and engineering who are the
real stakeholders, in the sense that we have a real stake in decisions made
about nuclear power, nuclear research, etc. Mr. Lochbaum and his colleagues
have no stake whatever in the outcome of these decisions. They continue to
be supported by foundation money no matter what kind of policy havoc they
Clearly only my own opinion.
Ruth F. Weiner, Ph. D.
Sandia National Laboratories
MS 0718, POB 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0718
505-844-4791; fax 505-844-0244
-----Original Message-----
From: antatnsu@pacbell.net [mailto:antatnsu@pacbell.net]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 1999 6:24 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Re: Letter to NPR
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I read the "brief bio" on Mr. Lochbaum referenced below. I do not see any
information that leads me to believe he ever received a degree or any formal
training in anything having to do with anything nuclear. All it says is:
"For 17
years, he worked in nuclear power plants, amassing experience in design,
operations, licensing, and training."
Then it says: "Then, in 1992, things changed. He and a colleague identified
safety problem in a
plant where they were working, raised the issue with the plant manager,
the utility, and finally with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. No one
attention. They went to Congress. Finally, three years after they first
alarm, the problem was corrected at the original plant and at plants
across the
Concerned about nuclear safety and fed up with NRC complacency, Dave
UCS in 1996. "When I raise safety concerns on UCS letterhead, the NRC pays
attention," he says--a welcome change from the patronizing and dismissive
response he received previously."
This information tells me that Dave is a disgruntled whistle blower. As
such I
would never accept anything he said as authoritative. It's too bad his
experience was so bad as far as he was concerned. But his reaction to
is what many people would have. Nader is like that too as are many other
rejects. I can understand their feelings because I have been personally
several times in my life. However, I have never let that rejection color my
thinking about things scientific (or anything else for that matter). Life's
short for recriminations. You need to pick up the pieces and get on with
Many people don't and harbor resentment for the rest of their lives. Too
but it's their resentment. Now let the flames start. Al Tschaeche
GlennACarlson@aol.com wrote:
> "However, we still do not know his background, or his experiences or
> expertise that leads one to accept anything he has said in the past or
> say again in the future."
> Sandy doesn't know and apparently doesn't need to know. David Lochbaum
> for the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), and, unfortunately, that
> fact is sufficient to lead Sandy to summarily dismiss "anything [Mr.
> Lochbaum] has said in the past or will say again in the future." When you
> can't refute the message, attack the messenger.
> Mr. Lochbaum has made numerous public written and spoken statements on
> nuclear issues. I've heard Mr. Lochbaum speak, and I suspect that he
> be the first to caution against merely "accepting anything he says," but
> rather he would say critically analyze the facts, his statements, and the
> statements of those who disagree, and make up your own mind. Can Sandy
> the same?
> I reiterate: I must point out that you don't even suggest that the UCS
> statements were inaccurate, let alone cite an inaccurate statement.
> See http://www.ucsusa.org/about/Lochbaum.html for a very brief bio of Mr.
> Lochbaum. I believe he worked for KG&E at the Wolf Creek Plant.
> Glenn A. Carlson, P.E.
> St. Charles, MO
> GlennACarlson@aol.com
> << Subj: Re: Letter to NPR
> Date: 10/3/99 9:12:16 PM EST
> From: sandyfl@earthlink.net (Sandy Perle)
> Sender: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> Reply-to: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu (Multiple recipients of list)
> > > "In addition to getting a bachelor's degree, [Dave] Lochbaum [of the
> UCS]
> > > suggests working in an internship during college and joining a
> > > chapter of the American Nuclear Society. 'Getting involved with the
> gives
> > > insight into what's going on in the industry and what the focus of
> > > nuclear industry is.' "
> In that Bill Lipton didn't appreciate my poetic license taken with
> respect to Glenn's posting, I'll add the following, directly related to
> the quote above:
> (1) I am in full agreement that all professionals should become
> members of professional societies.
> (2) Mr. Lochbaum should be commended for joining the ANS as a
> student.
> (3) However, we still do not know his background, or his
> experiences or expertise that leads one to accept anything he has
> said in the past or will say again in the future.
> (4) His own statement 'Getting involved with the ANS gives
> insight into what's going on in the industry and what the focus of
> the nuclear industry is.' is vague. What insight? That all nuclear is
> bad, and because he was a member of ANS makes that so?
> (5) Glenn gives credence to Mr. Lochbaum, implying that he is
> doing the right thing, while Bernie should not have been applauded
> for his letter to NPR. How ridiculous! Bernie suggested that NPR
> should question only having anti-nuclear individuals in their
> programming, without also considering those who are pro-nuclear.
> Fairness in the media. We should all be in favorable of that. Why
> not Glenn?
> The bottom line .. what credentials does Mr. Lochbaum bring to the
> table, and why should we give credence to anything he says?
> ------------------------
> Sandy Perle
> E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
> Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205
> << Subj: Re: Letter to NPR
> Date: 10/3/99 8:53:27 PM EST
> From: sandyfl@earthlink.net (Sandy Perle)
> Sender: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> Reply-to: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu (Multiple recipients of list)
> > "In addition to getting a bachelor's degree, [Dave] Lochbaum [of the
> > suggests working in an internship during college and joining a student
> > chapter of the American Nuclear Society. 'Getting involved with the ANS
> gives
> > insight into what's going on in the industry and what the focus of the
> > nuclear industry is.' "
> Defending the UCS is like Pat Buchanan defending Adolph Hitler
> (not to the same degree though).
> ------------------------
> Sandy Perle
> E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
> Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205 >>
> << Subj: Re: Letter to NPR
> Date: 10/3/99 8:12:24 PM EST
> From: liptonw@dteenergy.com (William V Lipton)
> Sender: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> Reply-to: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu (Multiple recipients of list)
> While I generally appreciate your comments, even if I don't agree, this
> irresponsible, and makes the anti-nukes look reasonable.
> You should have your poetic license revoked for reckless analogies!
> The opinions expressed are strictly mine.
> It's not about dose, it's about trust.
> Bill Lipton
> liptonw@dteenergy.com
> Sandy Perle wrote:
> > Defending the UCS is like Pat Buchanan defending Adolph Hitler
> > (not to the same degree though).
> >
> > ------------------------
> > Sandy Perle
> > E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
> > Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205
> >
> << Subj: Re: Letter to NPR
> Date: 10/2/99 10:05:30 PM EST
> From: GlennACarlson
> To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> While the choir cheers, I must point out that you don't even suggest that
> the UCS statements were inaccurate, let alone cite an inaccurate
> Rather than appealling for rationality and accuracy, you come off as just
> another disgruntled anti-anti-nuke. Sticking to the facts (as you ask NPR
> do) might have been more effective. NPR might have even called on you to
> the record straight, but not now. NPR obviously judges Dave Lochbaum and
> as credible experts on nuclear safety issues, your letter doesn't give NPR
> any reason to think otherwise.
> Glenn A. Carlson, P.E.
> St. Charles, MO
> In a message dated 10/1/1999, blc+@pitt.edu (Bernard L Cohen)writes:
> < In response to the coverage of the Japanese nuclear accident on
> National Public Radio Morning Report, I sent the following:
> In your Oct. 1 coverage of the Japanese nuclear accident, you
> explained the health effects of radiation by interviewing a
> of Union of Concerned Scientists. That organization is a highly
> one with no standing in the scientific community. There are true
> scientific experts on health effects of radiation in many dozens of U.S.
> Universities, and any one of them would have been a more credible source
> of information on the subject. There is also Health Physics Society, the
> international scientific Society of experts on the subject which would
> have been the most credible source of information. Use of organizations
> with a strong political agenda as a source of scientific information is
> highly irresponsible for NPR.
> Bernard L. Cohen
> Physics Dept.
> University of Pittsburgh
> Pittsburgh, PA 15260
> Tel: (412)624-9245
> Fax: (412)624-9163
> e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu
> >
> >>
> ************************************************************************
> The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
> information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html
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