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Re: Exposures in Japan Accident
More on JCO Criticality Accident....
If you go to the Japan's Science Technology Agency web page at
"http://www.sta.go.jp/genan/jco/jco.html", there are some interesting tables.
If you do not have MS Win 95 or 98 with MS Explorer version 5 with Japanese
language enabled, you'll see lots of garbage on the screen. Counting from top,
click on the items 11, 12 and 13 on the screen. These are picture files so you
can see them and print them.
You'll see that item 13 is the map of JCO with monitoring locations identified,
item 12 is the plot of gamma and neutron dose rates over time at locations "A"
and "B." Solid line is gamma and dashed line is neutron. I haven't figured out
what those locations are yet.
Item 11 is the mSv/h at locations 1 through 15 around the facility. Looks like
Location 4 was closest to the accident site.
As expected, the Japanese language Web page has far more details.
Tosh Ushino
ICN Dosimetry
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