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RE: Media Response - Take initiative (or - total apathy)
Although Communication on Nuclear Safety Issue is important to teacher,
with due respect such topic is not the theme of this subject: "Media
Response -- Take initiative"
So, I do believe the discussions, if going ahead, should be concentrate in
how this can be done.
Let's take a look in the nuclear accident in Japan. The International
Organization IAEA made only two superficial press releases. What other
organization national or international made any statement?
However, the press all over the word, spread hundreads of release. I have
more than 500 pages from the press information. The media today have high
capability to disseminate information. Satellites, cellular networks, laser
photo transmission, and laptop computers put the media instantly in touch
with audiences worldwide. Who found news against nuclear energy, by the
press, due the accident?
People have to understand that the media is not anti or against nuclear.
Media is in favor of news. So, if we wish to be in touch with the media, we
must help the media to tell our story.
What we, nuclear association, need to do is to find a bridge to access the
press. The press is open to receive any person that has a new to tell them.
It's wrong to think that media only wants controversy and sensationalism.
The media wants all the facts, and to sort them out independently. Every
press has today social page, scientific page. these pages are open for
The important link is to find the individual who is able to communicate.
The individual that can talk intelligently about nuclear issues. This
individual should understand that most journalist are generalist, so the
individual should make the information into understandable language, using
simple and concise examples on nuclear practices.
Any Nuclear Association needs to build the minimum resources, human and
material, if wishes to access the media. Communication of Nuclear Safety
Issue, today needs to be part of all training programme in Health Physics or
other nuclear Specialization. What Training course on Radiation Safety has
Module on Communication of Nuclear Safety Issue?
enough for today.....
At 10:42 AM 10/11/99 -0500, you wrote:
>ANS regularly does workshops for teachers, has done so for years, and we are
>planning a joint one with HPS here even as we speak. I myself have done
>lots and lots of talks to teachers as a volunteer, in addition to continuing
>ed workshops done through the university, and I think people don't realize
>how physically demanding and time consuming these workshops can be.
>Materials, handouts, etc. need to be prepared. Also, everyone who is
>knowledgeable is not automatically a good teacher nor automatically enjoys
>teaching. I happen to like doing this, and will present workshops anywhere
>anyone wants me to when I have the time, but l recognize that others may
>not enjoy this activity.
>Finally, I think there is a limit to what people can be asked to do as
>volunteers. Remember that a lot of the intervenor groups employ people to
>do workshops and speak to groups.
>Clearly only my own opinion.
>Ruth F. Weiner, Ph. D.
>Sandia National Laboratories
>MS 0718, POB 5800
>Albuquerque, NM 87185-0718
>505-844-4791; fax 505-844-0244
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sandy Perle [mailto:sandyfl@earthlink.net]
>Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 7:06 PM
>To: Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: Re: Media Response - Take initiative (or - total apathy)
>This is a situation whereby many within our ranks state that we
>need to inform the public about radiation in general, radioactive
>waste, decommissioning, power generation, global warming,
>incidents around the world and our environment specifically. Yet
>when there are opportunities to do just that, nobody wants to
>participate. Case in point, this past Thursday evening through
>Saturday, the California Science Teachers Association workshop
>was held at the Long Beach Convention center. There were
>probably a thousand or so science teachers there from all over the
>state. Our local chapter of HPS could not get any chapter
>participation, no matter how we tried. Except for 4 of us, there
>would have been no participation from a chapter that has over 200
>members. I am not even considering ANS, AAPM or any other
>societies that certainly can participate with these teachers. We all
>say that education is a key. If we're going to educate children
>(where it needs to begin) we need to educate the teachers.
>So when I hear all of the rhetoric about how we need to
>communicate better, to get our story out .. I have to sit back and
>say -- who do you want to do it? The other person? Because there
>certainly isn't anyone rushing out the door to assist when called
>upon. There is no initiate to take. First, we must eliminate the
>Sandy Perle
>E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
>Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205
>The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
>information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html
>The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
>information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html