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Re: Update: Status of patients from the JCO Criticality Accident
At 01:20 15/10/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I don't know if anybody in the RADSAFEland is interested in this, but Japan's
>Science and Technology Agency started posting medical updates on the two most
>IF no one is interested, I will stop posting these so RADSAFE will not be
>Tosh Ushino
>ICN Dosimetry
> ************************
Many thanks for these updates - they are the most detailed I can find to
satisfy my curiosity, and my professional interest in Acute Radiation
syndrome. I believe I'm not the only interested person on this list.
By the way, does any body know wether cytokynes were given (espacially to
Pt's A and B) ? Since Dr Gale is involved and WBC counts are low I'd expect
those patients to get them.
Dov (Dubi) Brickner MD
Beer-Sheva ISRAEL
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