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Re: Y2K and Nuclear Reactors -- How Do You Feel About Glowing in the Dark?

First; two words.  SCARE TACTICS

Second; Air trafic controller + serving in our nation's armed forces is not
equal to an authority in Nuclear engineering or electronic circuity.

Third; Lets do it like an integral by parts!

> Unfortunately, these plants are not prepared for Y2K,

*****Based on what hard data?.

> The Y2K situation is very problematic for this particular industry.
> One of those problems is embedded chips. I commented on embedded
> chips in a previous piece. Nuclear power plants are, it seems, rife
> with embedded chips. The equipment and technology they use is older and it
is very unlikely that the chips used in the equipment that was installed 10,
15 or 20 years ago is Y2K compliant.

****Embeded chips?  Do you mean lythography?  If the chips are so old, don't
you think they may not be date dependant?

>You can bet your ass they did and for good reasons.

****Where is Melissa in moments like this!

> news each evening spewing forth government dribble about how things
> will be fine, you will see them for the liars that they are.

*****Direct attack to the government!  How may of us work for uncle Sam?

Mr Hobbs:

Congratulations on your Y2K business!  My personal opinion is you are either
wrong or mislead.  As a former electronic technician, now working as a
health physicist, I can tell you that 99.8% of the integrated circuitry
chips are just a bunch of ANDs, ORs, all kinds of Flip Flops and Registers.
What you have to worry about is the CPU and its programmed instructions.
The other 99.8% is only dependent on the main voltage frequency or the main
circuitry clock (a vibrating silicon crystal) frequency.   Bottom line,
every little black square you see on those boards has a number, and that
number will tell you what it is and if it will contribute to your Dooms Day.

Now, to all radsafers.  First.  God bless freedom of speech and democracy!
Second.  Before volunteering to post second hand messages please take a few
seconds to think about it.

I still think, and trust, USA's Nuclear Industry is and will be safe for the
Y2K change over.  But thanks for your warning.


ps. Again, just personal opinions.

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