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Re: Labelled or Labeled?

>By the way....Webster's states that both "labeled" and "labelled" are
>correct spellings of the past tense of the verb "label"...
>Spell check or not, both are ok.
>Ron Amoling
>Joslin Diabetes Center

Interesting.  One of the style books that I use says that the
use of the double l (or any other letter)
is dictated by the accent in the word.
If the accent is on the syllable including the l, then
it is doubled in the past tense.

Since the pronunciation of label is LA-bel, this would indicate
that the l NOT be doubled.

Robert W. Atcher
Chemical Science and Technology Div.
MS J514
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM  87545
505 667 0585 voice
505 667 9905 fax

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