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Real Safety vs. The Navy

Well, we have certainly heard enough to proceed with the Canonization of the 
Admiral.  I assume most of this is a little off-topic.  Without discounting 
the contributions made to the nuclear power industry by the Navy program, 
there is probably plenty of information out there that would support a book 
on the shortcomings of the Navy program, speaking as an ex-bubblehead myself 
(emphasis on the "EX").  Unfortunately, such things are less interesting to 
read than legends.

Bottom line, it is a good basic starting point, but blind adherence to such a 
program is a sure path to disaster.  Anyone out there ever had their program 
sidelined by an overzealous auditor wearing Co-60 blinders?  Anyone had their 
ALARA program ditched in pursuit of zero skin contaminations or zero internal 

No flaming necessary - note the sentence beginning with "Without 

Lew LaGarde
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