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Re: X-rays and Computers
As part of the routine x-ray inspections performed at USDA, I have
measured the exposure from "typical" baggage scan x-ray units by placing
a Victoreen 750P on the traveling bed and having the operator scan the
unit. Exposures ranged from 10-150 micro-R. Obviously this was not the
most extreme case since no other baggage was included.
The newer CTX units give exposures in the range of 3-10 milli-R using
the same setup. I feel the baggage scanners are safe and should not
pose a problem for either computers or film. The CTX units are another
story and could pose a problem for fast film.
Jack Patterson, CHP
USDA Radiation Safety Staff
Work phone: 301-504-2445
E-mail: jpatterson@rss.usda.gov
As always, the contents of my messages are not to be construed as the
official position of the USDA.
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