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Re: Senate Panel Seeks Y2K Nuke Plant Contingency Plans


That would definitely be the final blow. However, knowing the efforts 
that went into validation of Y2K fixes, I feel pretty confident that 
the industry will do very well. I am not as confident in some of the 
foreign nuclear establishments, as well as other industries within 
the US. They did not receive the same attention as we in the nuclear 
industry did. This is primarily due to one factor used by Se. Bennett 
in his request, stating that the NRC had continually provided 
updates, but, and I quote: We are concerned, however, about the lack 
of public confidence in the nuclear industry's efforts and specific 
post Dec. 31, 1999, operating regimes...'' said the letter, from 
Bennett to NRC Chairman Greta Joy Dicus." This is alla bout the 
public's confidence, and not the reality of what has been 
accomplished. Is the Senate now going to take on every industry where 
there is public distrust or lack of confidence, when evidence exists 
that there are in fact no problems? 

> We should also be very hopeful that there is no significant problem at 
>      any nuke plant due to Y2k, or the entire industry's effort at 
>      convincing the public that nuclear energy is viable will be destroyed, 
>      as would the credibility of the industry and the NRC.

Sander C. Perle					Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100   				    	
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