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Human Error Cited in Japan Accident - no major radioactive contamination,

A good summary stating that the accident was tragic with respect to 
the 3 participants, but there was minimal effect or consequences to 
the population at large, either at the boundaries of the facility, or 
extended away from the facility. The is similar to the TMI accident, 
where there was significant attention paid to, but minimal measurable 
effects to the population. Of course one can not measure fear and 
anxiety, seen in both these incidents.

Tuesday November 16 9:20 AM ET 

Human Error Cited in Japan Accident

VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Japan's worst nuclear accident was caused by 
human error and safety breaches but did not result in major 
radioactive contamination, the International Atomic Energy Agency 

The agency's conclusions were contained in a preliminary report 
issued Monday on the Sept. 30 accident at Tokaimura that severely 
injured three nuclear plant workers and exposed at least 66 other 
people to significant radiation. Thousands of people were forced 
indoors or evacuated.  

The uncontrolled nuclear reaction was not brought under control for 
17 hours, but radiation levels away from the plant building remained 
extremely low, the report said.  

Lothar Wedekind, a spokesman at the Vienna-based agency, said human 
error and ``serious breaches of safety principles'' led to the 

He said the report describes the event as an ``irradiation accident'' 
and not a ``contamination accident,'' because there was no 
significant release of radioactive material.  

Safety features and procedures at the reactor and emergency responses 
should be evaluated, he said, adding that the IAEA would be willing 
to participate if requested by Japan. 

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