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Re: Nuclear Agency Maintains All Plants Y2K Clear


Thank you for providing these articles. Reading them points out how 
any issue, topic or what have you, when dissected enough, will result 
in "some" truth that is often used to validate a conclusion that the 
individual or organization is dead-set on proving. In the end, a leap 
of faith correlation is made, often unsubstantiated, but the 
attention is gained, those who believe are reinforced in their 
beliefs, and in the end, unnecessary damage is furthered. There is 
apparently little that can be done to mitigate these situations. 
Individuals who are well trained know exactly how and what to do to 
convince their followers that doom and gloom is inevitable. These 
individuals and groups feed off of themselves, in a symbiotic 
relationship. They obtain comfort from others, and as we know, fear 
is a great motivating force. I'm not implying that all individuals 
who are not pro-nuclear are duped. Some actually do strongly believe 
that all radiation is inherently dangerous. However, there are 
others, and we have all met them, who really do not believe all that 
they preach, but thoroughly enjoy bing in the limelight, and what 
better way than to be very vocal on the fear raising radiation 

Sander C. Perle					Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100   				    	
Director, Technical				Extension 2306 				     	
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Division		Fax:(714) 668-3149 	                   		    
ICN Biomedicals, Inc.				E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net 				                           
ICN Plaza, 3300 Hyland Avenue  		E-Mail: sperle@icnpharm.com          	          
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Personal Website:  http://www.geocities.com/scperle
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com

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