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Re: Q: Historical Criticality Accident in 1945
Paul Frame put out some information several years ago indicating that
Slotin died in a seperate crit. accident in '46 from the same Pu assembly.
I also got some anecdotal information (although I can't seem to find it)
that the other physicists (Fermi in particular) were a little leary of
Slotin's work practices and would take walks into the area surrounding the
lab with their people while Slotin was conducting crit. experiments.
I have an e-mail from John DeLaHunt (jdelahunt@cc.colorado.edu) from The
Colorado College indicating that he was going to do some research on the
Slotin incident and post it to RADSAFE so it may be in the archives. The
date on the e-mail is 6/17/96.
Kim Merritt
Physics Safety Support Officer
phone 3-9668
pager 01017
fax 2-7160
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