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Chemistry web site & plutonium

Here are the half lifes posted on two websites: both are consistent


Isotope	Mass	      Half-life	Mode of decay		Nuclear spin
236Pu	236.04605	2.87 y	a to 232U; SF		0
237Pu	237.04840	45.7 d	EC to 237Np; a to 232U	7/2
238Pu	238.04955	87.74 y	a to 234U; SF		0
239Pu	239.05216	24110 y	a to 235U; SF		1/2
240Pu	240.05381	6537 y	a to 236U; SF		0
241Pu	241.05684	14.4 y	a to 237U; SF; b- to 241Am	5/2
242Pu	242.05874	3.76 x 105 y	a to 238U; SF	0
243Pu	243.06200	4.956 h	b- to 243Am		7/2
244Pu	244.064199 (5)	8.2 x 107 y	a to 240U; SF	0
245Pu	245.06774	10.5 h	b- to 245Am		9/2
246Pu	246.07020	10.85 d	b- to 246Am		0
a  = alpha,  b = beta
The nuclide 239 Pu has 94 protons and 145 neutrons.
Ground state: 

     Mass excess: 48583.5 (2.0) keV
     Atomic mass: 239.052155 (2) amu
     Binding energy per nucleon: 7560 (0) keV
     Half-life: 24.11 (0.03) ky
     Spin and Parity: 1/2+
     Discovered in 1948 (Tentative)
     Decay(s): Alpha=100, SF=3.1e-10 6
     References: ENSDF 1992

Enrico Sartori               Tel.: +33 1 45 24 10 72 or 78
OECD NEA Data Bank           Fax : +33 1 45 24 11 10 or 28
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