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RE: CHP Part I Study Materials

In addition to the books below, I would suggest Jim Turners book "Atoms,
Radiation, and Radiation Protection".  His way of presenting the basic
principles really drives the message home.  In fact he may be giving some course
through UT that you could sign up for.

Another good reference would be Knolls book on Radiation detection.

I think it is critical to focus on doing problems that relate to the basic
principles of radiation interaction and protection.  How do you detect radiation
(with what, why and how do these instruments work)? How is it shielded (which
materials are preferable and why)?  What is the biology of interaction (direct
and indirect effects)?  How do you measure dose in different materials?
Exposure? What is the difference?  From this you can work your way through any
problems (problems and more problems) that come along.  Remember that Part 1 is
quick solve and answer with no discussion.  You should understand the basics so
you can quickly identify what is being asked, and then solve the problems so you
can finish the test in the limited time available.




Robert J. Gunter, CHP         Tel: (714) 545-0100

Sr. Technical Specialist      Tel: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2414

ICN Biomedicals, Inc.         Fax: (714) 668-3149

Dosimetry Division       Email: rjgunter@icnpharm.com

3300 Hyland Avenue

Costa Mesa, CA  92626

Subject:  RE: CHP Part I Study Materials

For Part I, I would recommend two different text books,

Basis Health Physics Problems and Solutions by Joseph John Bevelacqua


Introduction to Health Physic 3rd Edition by Herman Cember.

Good Luck !!

Ron LaVera

          -----Original Message-----
          From:     John E. Dixon [mailto:ixo@ornl.gov]
          Sent:     Tuesday, November 30, 1999 4:36 PM
          To:  Multiple recipients of list
          Subject:  CHP Part I Study Materials

          I am seeking an up-to-date reference to use as a
comprehensive study
          guide for Part I of the CHP exam.  There is a wealth of
information out
          there on preparing for Part II, but I have found no concise
          (cram exam) to use to study for Part I.  Is there something
out there,
          preferably on the web, similar to the study guides used for
the NRRPT?
          Any response will be welcome.  Please respond to

          Thank you,

          John E. Dixon, RRPT.
          High Flux Isotope Reactor

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