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Preparing for the ABHP Part I Examination
The BEST way of preparing for Part I of the ABHP examination is to download and
READ the study guide that the Board has prepared. The 15 questions contained in
the study guide are REAL exam questions that may appear on an examination.
That's up to 10% of the exam that is almost a give-away! Previously ten such
questions were included, however, the number was increased because it was felt
that candidates were doing poorly on questions that they should have mastered in
preparing for the exam. Examination results in recent years have shown that
candidate performance on very fundamental questions the area of radiological
physics has declined significantly. The questions haven't changed, although
there is a normal rotation process that does take place.
The other advice concerning the use of the textbooks and problems prepared by
Turner and Cember is also an excellent means of preparation.
George J. Vargo, Ph.D., CHP
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
International Nuclear Safety Program
PO Box 999
902 Battelle Boulevard
Richland, WA 99352-0999
509-375-6836; -2019 (fax)
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html