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RE: CHP Part I Study Materials
Several years ago I took two semesters of upper level Health Physics
courses in order to round out a consulting background in hazardous waste
issues. I attended the University of Tennessee extension courses
offered in Oak Ridge and taught by Dr. Jim Turner. At that time he was
in the process of revising the first edition of his text. I must say,
he was extremely patient and informative when responding to many naive
questions from a scientist (me) with limited background in physics
(health or nuclear).
Dr. Turner's book is designed to lead you to an understanding of the
topics through focused and progressively more difficult problems. The
book's logical approach to the materials and Dr. Turner's availability
by phone enabled me to pass both semesters with A grades, even though I
had to spend 5 consecutive weeks out of town for my company during one
of the semesters. Imagine what it could do for a professional in the
Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director
Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee, Inc.
136 S Illinois Ave, Ste 208, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Please note new area code:
Phone (865) 483-1333; Fax (865) 482-6572; E-mail loc@icx.net
OCTOBER INSIGHTS CAN BE FOUND AT: http://www.local-oversight.org
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