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NRC provides generic soil criteria (DCGLs) using latest version of DandD
Dear Radsafers-
Please note the attached Federal Register notice from the NRC related to
soil concentrations that correspond to the 25 mrem/y release criterion. The
NRC has used an updated version of DandD (somewhat less conservative default
parameter values). Some of the more common radionulcide DCGLs (in pCi/g)
are as follows:
Co-60..................................... 3.8 E+00
Sr-90..................................... 1.7 E+00
Cs-137.................................... 1.1 E+01
Ra-226.................................... 7.0 E-01
Ra-226+C \4\.............................. 6.0 E-01
Th-232.................................... 1.1 E+00
Th-232+C.................................. 1.1 E+00
U-234..................................... 1.3 E+01
U-235..................................... 8.0 E+00
U-235+C................................... 2.9 E-01
U-238..................................... 1.4 E+01
U-238+C................................... 5.0 E-01
Check it out.
Eric Abelquist
Eric W. Abelquist
P.O. Box 117
Oak Ridge,TN 37831
Tel (423) 576-3740
FAX (423) 241-3497
Email: abelquie@orau.gov
[Federal Register: December 7, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 234)]
[Page 68395-68396]