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Updates to EPA web pages

To the Radsafe Community:

     A co-worker here at EPA spotted the Radsafe thread beginning Nov. 11
concerning errors in our web page for students and teachers (
http://www.epa.gov/radiation/students).  We are always glad to get comments and
corrections on our web pages.  Thank you for taking the time to post the
mistakes that you found.  We have made the corrections you identified.  We will
also be making improvements to this page in the coming months to target
different age groups.  Please check out the site from time to time to see if you
like the revisions.  If you have additional comments, please contact us at

     EPA's Office of Radiation and Indoor Air/Radiation Protection Division is
making all of its new publications available on the web.  In September, we
released the final version of Federal Guidance Report No. 13, "Cancer Risk
Coefficients for Environmental Exposure to Radionuclides."  This report includes
risk coefficients for around 800 radionuclides and an expanded section on risk
coefficient uncertainty.  You can download a copy of the report  and the
Response to Public Comments document from the web at
www.epa.gov/radiation/federal/techdocs.htm.  If you would like a hard copy, you
may order one at no cost from the EPA National Service Center for Environmental
Publications, either by phone (800-490-9198) or from the Internet
(www.epa.gov/ncepihom).  Refer to document number EPA 402-R-99-001.  Again,
thank you for your interest in our web site.

Mike Boyd
Health Physicist

The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html