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RE: Tokaimura
Franz, et.al.:
My personal opinion is that the reports are beneficial to me, because I
am very interested as a CHP in the progress of the "disease" and the
treatment. This is incredibly valuable information, especially
considering the most exposed patient has lived much longer than
previously expected.
I do not see any "privacy" issue here. In all the information, I have
not seen the individual's names, and their availability elsewhere is of
no interest to me. I have no idea who they are, other than the three
who were most highly exposed in the accident.
I look forward to the reports and hope they continue. Among other
benefits, they remind me to continue praying for the patients.
Les Aldrich
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Franz Schoenhofer [SMTP:schoenho@via.at]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 1:07 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Tokaimura
> I am now going to post something which in the mind of a few RADSAFERs
> might
> be a "sacrileg", but hopefully will be in accordance with the so
> called
> "silent majority":
> P l e a s e, p l e a s e stop these silly updates of the condition
> of the
> victims of the Tokaimury accident!!!!!
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