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Re: Tokaimura

>         Tosh,
>         As you know, it's the "squeaky wheel" that gets lubed.  Franz is
>abrasively vocal enough that most people recoil with distaste from his
>tirades instead of stepping forward to hell him that he's being an ass.
>         Franz, the USA runs (for the most part) as a democracy.  If you
>don't want to read Tosh's  updates, exercise your "rights" from afar and
>push the "trash" button on your browser.  Don't try and follow your former
>countryman's footsteps and bully the rest of the world into submission...
>         Just my 2 cents...
>         Joel Baumbaugh (baumbaug@nosc.mil)
>         SSC-SD

Joel,  While I think that many of us would disagree with Franz's desire to
discontinue the updates, I also think that it is inappropriate to even
vaguely insinuate that Franz is conducting himself in any manner like his
"former countryman".  Disagree with him, as I do on this issue, but don't
slander him!  Labelling Franz this way only proves that he is not the ass.

One of the beauties of this list server is the diversity of people on it,
one of the drawbacks is the language barrier associated with the diversity.
One of the traits of German speaking peoples is directness, as my
experiences of the last two summers with exchange students has shown me.
Once you come to understand that they may not be trying to be abrasive it
doesn't grate on you as much.

Tosh,  I would appreciate some sort of update on the patients.   Perhaps
less often or only if there is some significant change.  I think it has
some significant value and appreciate the time that you have spent on it.

| | | |    Kim Merritt, RRPT
| | | |__  Physics Safety Support Officer
| | \___/  Lawrence Livermore National Labs
| \___/    merritt9@llnl.gov
\___/      Voice: (925)423-9668   Fax: (925)422-7160
	   "When the only tool you have is a hammer,
	   every problem begins to resemble a nail."
	   -Abraham Maslow
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