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RE: Ra, 25 mrem/y
At 04:02 PM 12/10/1999 -0600, Paul Frame wrote:
>Table 7.17 in NCRP 94 attributes (to the soft tissues - so
>we can forget the bone's weighting factor):
> 3 uSv from Ra-226, 7 uSv from Rn-222, and 140 uSv from Pb-210 - Po-210.
>This is roughly 150 uSv or 15 mrem. Not, in my book, a very small fraction
>of 39.
December 11, 1999
Davis, CA
These values look okay to me, but in my discussion I separated radon
exposures (with their complex exposure relationships) from intake of radium
into the body. The internal dose from world-wide exposure to
radium-226 may include 3 uSv/y (0.3 mrem/y) to soft tissue, but I consider
this as part of the negligible dose to which I was referring for internally
deposited Ra-226 and is a very small fraction of 39. I discussed the radon
issue separately, and the internal dose from radon depends on inhalation of
decay products and living in an atmosphere containing radon gas.
I think Paul and I are looking at the same information with somewhat
different perspectives.
Prof. Otto G. Raabe, Ph.D., CHP
Institute of Toxicology & Environmental Health (ITEH)
(Street address: Building 3792, Old Davis Road)
University of California, Davis, CA 95616
Phone: 530-752-7754 FAX: 530-758-6140
E-mail ograabe@ucdavis.edu
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