[ RadSafe ] Re: References: Radiation induced immune responseDETERS spread of cancer

Bernard L. Cohen blc+ at pitt.edu
Wed Aug 30 08:55:23 CDT 2006

If it is practical to increase one's exposure by about 5 mrem per year, 
would someone tell me how to do it?
I did turn off my radon reduction system, but I refer here to whole body 

John Jacobus wrote:

>How so?  If individuals make a claim of risk or
>benefits, one would ask if they follow their own
>advice.  According to Jim Muckerheide he challenged
>the committee that reported on the risks of radon in
>the home if the members themselves had radon testing
>done in their homes.  
>Personally, I have not worried about my exposures to
>low doses of ionining radiaton. I fact, I turned in my
>doimeter several years ago as my exposures never
>exceeded 100 mrem in a year.  Actually, I think that
>the total was not even 100 mrem in five years.
>You may not like my position or comments, but how is
>the question inappropriate?  If you think radiation
>exposure is beneficial, what are you doing to improve
>your health?
>--- "Syd H. Levine" <syd.levine at mindspring.com> wrote:
>>>2.  If radiation is so beneficial, what have Drs.
>>>Pollycove and Feinendigan done to enhance their
>>>radiation exposures?  Have they moved to areas
>>>there is more background radiation?
>>Employing such a classic logical fallacy should be
>>beneath you John.  I have 
>>seen you do this several times, and it is revealing
>>as to the quality of 
>>your argumentation.
>>Syd H. Levine
>>AnaLog Services, Inc.
>>Phone:  270-276-5671
>>Telefax:  270-276-5588
>>E-mail:  analog at logwell.com
>>URL:  www.logwell.com
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>>From an article about physicians doing clinical studies: 
>"It was just before an early morning meeting, and I was really trying to get to the bagels, but I couldn't help overhearing a conversation between one of my statistical colleagues and a surgeon.
>Statistician: "Oh, so you have already calculated the P value?"
>Surgeon: "Yes, I used multinomial logistic regression."
>Statistician: "Really? How did you come up with that?"
>Surgeon: "Well, I tried each analysis on the SPSS drop-down menus, and that was the one that gave the smallest P value"."
>-- John
>John Jacobus, MS
>Certified Health Physicist
>e-mail:  crispy_bird at yahoo.com
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