[ RadSafe ] IAEA DACs

James Salsman james at bovik.org
Wed Feb 8 11:53:09 CST 2006

>... referring to the DAC values given in Table A-II of the annex
> to IAEA Safety Standards Series No. RS-G-1.2  (Assessment of
> Occupational Exposure due to Intakes of Radionuclides) see: 
>   http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/P077_scr.pdf

I note with sadness that those derived air concentration exposure 
limits are based only on radiotoxicity, completely ignoring the 
chemical toxicity of the isotopes involved; many of which pose 
a far greater chemical than radiological hazard.  There isn't even 
a footnote or a disclaimer anywhere in the report pointing out 
this problem.

That kind of negligence is inexcusable.  It leads to a false sense 
of security based on radiological safety alone, when chemical 
toxicity poses the real danger.  At least the NRC's DACs make an 
attempt to limit kidney-damaging levels of a few isotopes, 
although the NRC has completely ignored substantial reproductive, 
developmental, immuniological, and neuro-toxicities, too.

What will the next generation of health professionals think about 
this sad state of affairs?  

Who will be the leader in correcting this problem?

James Salsman

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