[ RadSafe ] RE: Clarification: RE: Cohen, Hiserodt, Rockwell speak at DDT, Portland, Aug 5
Jane Orient
jorient at mindspring.com
Sun Jul 2 21:25:58 CDT 2006
Thank you very much for your message. I see that Dr. Long has found Cresson
Kearny's update on hormesis and has already sent it to you. I believe that
we are in complete agreement, and I thank you for troubling to explain your
position to me more fully. Perhaps we should probably post Mr. Kearny's
update prominently on our website; I am very glad that your message reminded
me of it.
I was honored to help with the editing of your outstanding paper in the
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons on the Co-60-contaminated
apartments in Taiwan, which is posted at
http://www.jpands.org/vol9no1/chen.pdf. (A corrected caption for the figure
on hormetic doses is in the correspondence section of the next issue,
http://www.jpands.org/vol9no2/correspondence.pdf.) I am most embarrassed
that I did not recognize your name as the second author on that paper. You
are the authority on this subject. I am merely an editor and received only a
single brief message from this board through Dr. Long.
In the U.S., most people who have anything to say about the subject either
believe or think they must act as if they believe the linear no-threshold
hypothesis. Because of the pervasive belief in the horrors of a tiny dose of
radiation, most people know nothing about the possibility of protection from
the real but transient danger of early fallout. Additionally, progress has
stalled completely on the promising applications of low-dose radiation in
I hope that if you become aware of any errors in Nuclear War Survival
Skills, or in DDP's materials on this subject, you will call them to our
attention so that we may correct them.
We are sad that you cannot attend our meeting in Portland. Jerry Cuttler,
who was of invaluable assistance with your paper, has registered for the
meeting. Perhaps we will have the honor of making your personal acquaintance
at a later time. Another possibility is at the International Hormesis
Society meeting in Amherst, Massachusetts, which I attended last year but
not this year.
With greatest respect for your work, Jane M Orient, M.D.
From: yuan-chi luan [mailto:nbcsoc at hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 4:02 AM
To: jorient at mindspring.com; hflong at pacbell.net; blc+ at pitt.edu;
rad-sci-l at WPI.EDU; radsafe at radlab.nl
Cc: wlchen at ym.edu.tw; jhchiu at mail.yust.edu.tw; tisechou at hotmail.com;
wpdeng at ms41.hinet.net; fangwancheng at yahoo.com.tw; htkung at ms79.hinet.net;
nusta66 at hotmail.com; nbcsocmong at yahoo.com; pual0401 at yahoo.com.tw;
hjren at iner.gov.tw; mlshen at ccms.ntu.edu.tw; mcshieh at gmail.com;
wuj at aruplab.com; johntm.wu at msa.hinet.net; slyao at ms47.hinet.net;
jingying at ms22.hinet.net
Subject: RE: Clarification: RE: Cohen, Hiserodt, Rockwell speak at DDT,
Portland, Aug 5
Dear Dr.Jane Orient:
I am pleased you made a clarification about radiation. I do wish to respone
some points to it as I sincerely desire to give some different thoughts for
all the health phsicists and hope they will benefit human beings.
DDP is very concerned the hazard of low-dose radiation,while I always say
the low-dose-rate or chronic radiation (< 1 mSv or 100 mrem/hr) is always
beneficial to human beings, and the high dose rate or acute radiation is
only give off to people in nuclear weapon attack or in a nuclear reactor
accident (it is almost impossible to give off such radiation directly from
today's reactor ) When a nuclear weapon detonates in high air, even in low
air, the fission products in the fallout will move to a volumeous space,
fall back on the ground in quite long time and turn to be chronic radiation,
which will be beneficial to people. When the weapon detonates on the surface
of ground or in undergroud, a crater will be produced, the fisson products
will mixed with the earths and raise to the air and fall back on the ground,
as the fisson products decay rapidly and the the earth could shield the
radiation, the fallout might be already tunred to be chronic radiation. But
I have to completely agree that a shelter is really important for nuclear
defence, and to measure the radiation whether reduced to chronic radiation
(<1 mSv or 100 mrem/hr) with dose rate meter is really necessary. Once when
the dose rate is lower than 1 mSv.hr, the people might be encouragged to
received such radiation which would reduced the cancer mortality rate of man
as a vaccine ( there is never a cancer vaccine discovered) The ground
contamiated by the fallout of course is not necessary to do anything, the
people could still receive radiation from the long high life isotopes in the
earth and to have their cancer deaths prevented. You might laugh at me I am
telling a wild story, but the clinic expeirment by about 10,000 residents
living in the Co-60 contaminated apartments for 22 years have shown just
such results. 20 years ago, I and the retired vice director of the Institute
of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) ever wrote aslo a book similar to the
nuclear war survival skill prepared by ORNL, and we had been honored and
given reward by the President of Taiwan, Now we have to change the facts
in that book, if the AEC or other government organization still want to use
that book.for nuclear defence. . .. . .
Best regards
Y.C. Luan Senior Scientist of NuSTA and Consultant of NBC Society in
From: "Jane Orient" <jorient at mindspring.com>
To: "'yuan-chi luan'"
<nbcsoc at hotmail.com>,<hflong at pacbell.net>,<blc+ at pitt.edu>,<rad-sci-l at WPI.EDU
>,<radsafe at radlab.nl>
<wlchen at ym.edu.tw>,<jhchiu at mail.yust.edu.tw>,<tisechou at hotmail.com>,<wpdeng@
ms41.hinet.net>,<fangwancheng at yahoo.com.tw>,<htkung at ms79.hinet.net>,<nusta66
@hotmail.com>,<nbcsocmong at yahoo.com>,<pual0401 at yahoo.com.tw>,<hjren at iner.gov
.tw>,<mlshen at ccms.ntu.edu.tw>,<mcshieh at gmail.com>,<wuj at aruplab.com>,<johntm.
wu at msa.hinet.net>,<slyao at ms47.hinet.net>,<jingying at ms22.hinet.net>
Subject: Clarification: RE: Cohen, Hiserodt, Rockwell speak at DDT,
Portland, Aug 5
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 11:00:53 -0700
DDP is very concerned about overstating the hazards of low-dose radiation,
but it is important to remember that the dangers of high-dose radiation are
not in dispute. After a nuclear detonation, fallout is intensely
radioactive; fortunately, it decays rapidly. In most areas, it would be safe
to emerge from shelter, at least part of the time, after two weeks. Without
shelter from fallout, millions will die agonizing-and completely
preventable-deaths. There is no pill, or vitamin, however: shelter is
absolutely necessary. The means to measure radiation is also critical. DDP
makes available materials from early U.S. government research on civil
defense. Most important is Cresson Kearny's book Nuclear War Survival
Skills, originally published by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Please see
our website for a link to a free download: www.oism.org/ddp.
I hope that Taiwan has better civil defense than the U.S.!
From: yuan-chi luan [mailto:nbcsoc at hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 8:15 PM
To: hflong at pacbell.net; blc+ at pitt.edu; rad-sci-l at WPI.EDU;
jorient at mindspring.com; radsafe at radlab.nl
Cc: wlchen at ym.edu.tw; jhchiu at mail.yust.edu.tw; tisechou at hotmail.com;
wpdeng at ms41.hinet.net; fangwancheng at yahoo.com.tw; htkung at ms79.hinet.net;
nusta66 at hotmail.com; nbcsocmong at yahoo.com; pual0401 at yahoo.com.tw;
hjren at iner.gov.tw; mlshen at ccms.ntu.edu.tw; mcshieh at gmail.com;
wuj at aruplab.com; johntm.wu at msa.hinet.net; slyao at ms47.hinet.net;
jingying at ms22.hinet.net
Subject: RE: Cohen, Hiserodt, Rockwell speak at DDT, Portland, Aug 5
Dear Dr Howard Long:
I am glad to know my respective friends, Drs B. Cohen, Ed hiserodt and Ted
Rockwell will present lectures in DDP meeting, and you mentioned
particularly it might be worth for me to go there from Taiwan. I guest the
DDP mission is quite similar to the NBC Society in Taiwan, as the consutant
of the Society, I certainly want to go there. But I am sorry to say that an
old man like me is not easy to go such long way, and I have to prepare here
the papers for the meeting in September in China and 15 PBNC in Oct in
Though I could not go to DDP personally, but I still like to give some
thought for my?friends to consider. The?radiation protection of people
against fallout after nuclear attack is often considered as a serious
problem to people in the past. we?believe today it is not a hazard to
people. When the nuclear weapon exploded in the air, most fallout will
drifted away and fall in a large space in the earth, the radiation from the
fission products in the fallout will give off only?chronic radaition which
will benefit people, their cancer deaths rate will be reduced. When the
weapon explodes on the surface of the ground, or under ground, a big crater
will be produced, and the fallout will fall back to the ground, the
radiation from the fission products will be shielded to be?chronic radiation
and will be also beneficial to people. If my thought is right, the fallout
pretection princinple should be changed. the earth contaminated by fallout
nothing need to be done.???????lt;/span>
Best regards
Y.C. Luan? Consultant of NBC Society in Taiwan
From:?howard long <hflong at pacbell.net>
To:?yuan-chi luan <nbcsoc at hotmail.com>, blc+ at pitt.edu, rad-sci-l at WPI.EDU,
Jane Orient <jorient at mindspring.com>, radsafe at radlab.nl
CC:?wlchen at ym.edu.tw, jhchiu at mail.yust.edu.tw, tisechou at hotmail.com,
wpdeng at ms41.hinet.net, fangwancheng at yahoo.com.tw, htkung at ms79.hinet.net,
nusta66 at hotmail.com, nbcsocmong at yahoo.com, pual0401 at yahoo.com.tw,
hjren at iner.gov.tw, mlshen at ccms.ntu.edu.tw, mcshieh at gmail.com,
wuj at aruplab.com, johntm.wu at msa.hinet.net, slyao at ms47.hinet.net,
jingying at ms22.hinet.net
Subject:?Cohen, Hiserodt, Rockwell speak at DDT, Portland, Aug 5
Date:?Tue, 20 Jun 2006 12:17:47 -0700 (PDT)
"Understanding the Radioactive waste Problem" (B Cohen),
"Health Hazards of the Radiation Phobia" (Ed Hiserodt),
"Truth and Nuclear Radiation" (Ted Rockwell) and
George Gilder (lunch talk) speak to DDP and take questions
Sat PM Aug 5 at University Place, Portland State U
Full program and details (incl Mt St Helens tour Fri Aug4 ) at
All welcome. Yuan-chi luan, it might even be worth a trip from China,
considering most speakers also take the bus trip and enjoy visiting with
guests like health physicists.
"Overbooked. If there is sufficient demand, we'll get a second bus".
Howard Long
yuan-chi luan <nbcsoc at hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear Dr. Cohen:
I am glad to have read your letter to Toronto Glope & mail in showing the
the results of your 25 years studies of radon gas whether dangerous to
humankind, that?the US population in the high average radon level county,
have 30% of less lung cancer deaths in the low average radon level counties.
Therefore the EPA of US and Canada governments in trying to reduce the radon
concentration in homes and water are really unnecessary and unreasonable..?
The population in US high average radon level counties, have 30% of less
lung cancers deaths attributed to they received higher internal radiation
doses from radon. Assumed the?cancer mortality in United States is same as
in Taiwan, and aslo half of them is lung cancers, the United States might
have about 200,000 lung cancer deaths each year.?If 30% of lung cancer
reduced in high average level counties? supposed?lt;span style=""> half in
high lwvel country) then about 30,000 lung cancers deaths woudl?be
prevented. Acually, the external chronic radiation from Gamma ray could also
reduce cancers. Dr.
Luckey,?the most important health physicist prsented a paper?in 1999 ANS
annual meeting indicated that, if the amount of gamma radiation received by
the nuclear energy workers, was given to the whole US population through
public health service,?half of the cancer deaths of the population or
200,000 cancer deaths might be prevented each year, So that?all?kind
radiation might reduce cancers...
The excess internal doses from radon and external doses from gamma ray could
easily reduce the cancer deaths of the population, but?the excess radiation
could not easily deliver?to the population.
The coincidently incident of the Co-60 contamination apartments in Taiwan
seemed to demonstrate that chronic radiation doses were?not only easy to
give off but also could prevent about 97%?of their cancers by arranging some
low activity of Co-60 on the ceiling of the living rooms and bed rooms in
exposing?the? chronic radiation doses to the population in about 50 mSv/y or
5000 mrem/y, as if their cancers have been immunized, though there are some
health physicists still considered as a wild story..?..? .???
Best regards
Y. C. Luan?Senior Scientist of NuSTA and Consultant of NBC Society.
?From: Bernard Cohen <blc+ at pitt.edu>
To: "Jim Muckerheide, RSH" <rad-sci-l at WPI.EDU>
Subject: Letter to Toronto Globe & Mail
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 15:03:58
?Dear Sir:
??As a scientist with 25 years of research experience in the field, I am
writing in response to the recent very alarmist article by your
Environmental Reporter about the dangers of radon gas in homes.??
?????My studies of 1600 U.S. counties, comprising 90% of the U.S.
population, have shown that counties with high average radon levels
?lt;/span>have 30% lower lung cancer rates than counties with low average
radon levels; the trend over this range of radon levels is continuous and
statistically indisputable. This finding persists after fully compensating
for differences in smoking frequency among counties, and it is not affected
by differences in age distributions, in socioeconomic status, in climate, in
environmental factors, or by any other characteristics that anyone has
suggested. These studies have been described in papers published
in prestigious peer reviewed scientific journals, and all of the potential
explanations that have been offered to make it compatible with your story
have been shown to be completely implausible.
?lt;/span>??Doesn't this make your story seem excessively alarmist?
??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sincerely Yours,
??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Bernard L. Cohen
??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?University of
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