AW: [ RadSafe ] Cameron's refutation of "Alara Does Work" - Preemployment physicals

John Jacobus crispy_bird at
Wed Jul 5 14:17:06 CDT 2006

Looking at the SF-93, would not that the revision data
is 1989, which is after I was no longer involved with
the review of medical records.  Remembering back more
than 20 years, I believe that the old SF-93 did have a
section for family history of cancer, leukemia,

Nevertheless, there are three blank lines on the front
page.  As noted in Section 2-5.(1)(a) "Use of an
overprint or rubber stamp on the SF-93 for the
supplemental history questions is acceptable. . . "

Both the SF-88 and SF-93 are standard forms which
could be augmented for specific types of exams, e.g,
submarine duty, aviaiton, or radiation.  I think those
were the only "special" programs.

--- Rainer.Facius at wrote:

> Dear John:
> Thank you for his pointer to NAVMED P-5055 (2001). 
> Unless it is included implicitly in some of the
> other referred regulations (SF-xx) - and provided I
> am able to read bureaucratese in a foreign language,
> this document does nowhere prescribe the procedures
> which you invoked.
> Every mentioning of "history" or "medical history"
> clearly pertains to that of the individual
> applicant. I cannot detect any explicit reference to
> hereditary parental or familial health risks in
> general and particularly not with respect to cancer
> proneness. 
> Kind regards, Rainer
> ________________________________
> Von: radsafe-bounces at im Auftrag von John
> Jacobus
> Gesendet: Fr 30.06.2006 15:57
> An: Robert J. Gunter; radsafe at
> Betreff: RE: [ RadSafe ] Cameron's refutation of
> "Alara Does Work" - Preemployment physicals
> Look under Section 2-4 "Standards" on page 15 at
> I believed that the shipyards used the same guidance
> document.  If it had a different title, I forgot
> what
> is was. 
> I know of a couple instances where individuals were
> medically disqualified.
> --- "Robert J. Gunter" <rjgunter at>
> wrote:
> > Having been the recipient of many pre-employment
> > physicals (civilian rad
> > worker and the Navy version of the same), it has
> not
> > been my experience that
> > a doctor has any real say in what someone will be
> > doing.  This is aside from
> > the obvious case where a potential worker cannot
> > function in a work
> > environment or otherwise fails the physical.
> >
> > The most common failure I have seen is failure to
> > qualify to wear a
> > respirator.
> >
> > Robert J. Gunter, CHP
> > CHP Consultants
> > Oak Ridge, TN
> > Ph:  (865) 387-0028
> > Fax: (865) 483-7189
> > rjgunter at
> > Products and Services at:
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------
> >
> >
> +++++++++++++++++++
> "You get a lot more authority when the workforce
> doesn't think it's amateur hour on the top floor."
> GEN. MICHAEL V. HAYDEN, President Bush's nominee for
> C.I.A. director.
> -- John
> John Jacobus, MS
> Certified Health Physicist
> e-mail:  crispy_bird at
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"You get a lot more authority when the workforce doesn't think it's amateur hour on the top floor."
GEN. MICHAEL V. HAYDEN, President Bush's nominee for C.I.A. director.

-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail:  crispy_bird at

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