[ RadSafe ] FW: Google Alert - uranium mill tailings

John R Johnson idias at interchange.ubc.ca
Fri Mar 3 14:15:50 CST 2006


Is this uranium different from DU?
John R Johnson, Ph.D.
President, IDIAS, Inc
4535 West 9-Th Ave
Vancouver B. C.
V6R 2E2
(604) 222-9840
idias at interchange.ubc.ca
or most mornings
Consultant in Radiation Protection
4004 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver B. C.
V6R 2E2
(604) 222-1047 Ext. 6610
Fax: (604) 222-7309
johnsjr at triumf.ca 

-----Original Message-----
From: Google Alerts [mailto:googlealerts-noreply at google.com]
Sent: March 3, 2006 12:07 PM
To: idias at interchange.ubc.ca
Subject: Google Alert - uranium mill tailings

Google Alert for: uranium mill tailings

Uranium found in many Homestake area wells
Cibola County Beacon - Grants,NM,USA
... Von Till added that it is because of environmental problems that Congress passed the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 and why mining is more ... 

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