Public Opinion & Nuclear Project --Re: AW: [ RadSafe ] Asbury Park Press on Mangano's press conference
John Jacobus
crispy_bird at
Wed Jun 27 16:27:32 CDT 2007
I am rather surprised that you had that much of a
response. Where can I get a bumper sticker like that?
I don't think that RADSAFE has that much influence on
the public. It is the individuals who do. I have
never been opposed to nuclear power.
--- "Mercado, Don" <don.mercado at> wrote:
> John Jacobus wrote:
> >Don,
> Glad to hear you are so active.
> Just how often do you discuss nuclear power with
> people in a Safeway parking lot?<
> John,
> In the 5 years I've had that poster on the back
> window of my truck I've
> had dozens and dozens of discussions about it. Even
> more, almost every
> day I see someone pull close up behind me in traffic
> so they can read
> all that the poster says. I've had discussions while
> sitting in traffic,
> in school parking lots, at Starbucks, in mall
> parking lots, my mechanic,
> at camp grounds, at the gas pump, in front of my
> house, my dates, at
> church, etc. etc. A few have been confrontational,
> but not many. All
> pretty much are curious about the pro-nuke position
> bec all they hear
> from the press is the anti point of view. So the
> RADSAFE influenced
> point of view does get out to the public.
> Don
“All men dream, but not equally. Some dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds and wake in the day to find it is vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.”
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird at
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