[ RadSafe ] uranium solubility and acute and chronic exposures onthe Russia-Georgia border

James Salsman BenjB4 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 23:10:52 CDT 2008

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your instructions:

> (1) demonstrate that the mutation rate in that population is in fact
> higher than to be expected

Uranyl (dissolved uranium oxide) is a proven mutagen, a proven
reproductive toxicant, a proven teratogen, a proven neurotoxin, and
is confirmed as an immunotoxicant in mice.

It is one of the few ions under 3000 Daltons ever used by
microsopists to stain DNA.

The health physics community routinely ignores these facts from the
peer-reviewed medical literature in their so-called scientific literature
such as Health Physics, reviewed by a cadre of like-minded liars.

This deliberate attempt to hide the truth has resulted in poor medical
care outcomes in victims of uranyl exposure.  The kidney is not what
people should be worried about; an acute exposure big enough to
affect the kidney is producing worse outcomes in other organs such
as oocytes and lymphocytes.

> (2) you need to demonstrate that other factors, such as
> stress, can not explain your observations.

We have also discussed the papers on stress and chromosome mutation.
The effect is tiny in comparison.  However, allmost all of the papers on
uranyl neurotoxicity show that it causes stress to begin with, and the few
that do not don't take a position on the question.

Dr. Long wrote:

> Extra-nuclear inheritance from cytoplasmic bodies has been documented
> since I failed to find data on it in 1960.

He failed to find data about sperm?

James Salsman

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