[ RadSafe ] RE: Proliferation

garyi at trinityphysics.com garyi at trinityphysics.com
Mon Jul 14 11:53:40 CDT 2008

Hi Ken,

You wrote:
> All I wanted to do was make the point that most Muslims do not consider
> killing infidels something to aspire to.  

That's a great point to make.  I did not get into that because it wasn't relevant to the topic of 
proliferation that I was originally addressing.

You wrote:
> Suicide bombing and guerilla warfare have been the standard tools
> when battling a superior occupying force for a long time - from the
> LTTE to the Vietnamese to the IRA to the French Resistance.  No
> religious ideology required.

Good job.  You one-upped me there.  I deserve that because I got annoyed and shot off ill-
considered remarks.  However, can you see that I was wrong to say that suggestion #1 would 
rebut my point?  I ought to have phrased suggestion #1 more explicitly as "suicide attacks 
against civilians and/or countries not currently occupying the attackers homeland and 
directed by or under the authority of a large and well organized terrorist network."  That's the 
kind of suicide bombing that I am talking about.

You see, 911 didn't happened because the US was occupying a country.  I hope that we can 
agree that the 911 terrorists killed all those Americans (and themselves) because they hate 
us, not because we were occupying anybody's country.  If that's true, it should be a short and 
simple trick to conclude that people like that should not have nuclear weapons.  I hope you 
can see how indisputable that conclusion is.  

-Gary Isenhower

On 11 Jul 2008 at 16:48, Peterson, Ken wrote:

Hi Gary,

All I wanted to do was make the point that most Muslims do not
consider killing infidels something to aspire to.  Not to extend this
off-topic thread too much further, but I can follow your rebuttal
suggestion #1. (non-muslims are just as likely to be suicide bombers):
 Suicide bombing and guerilla warfare have been the standard tools
when battling a superior occupying force for a long time - from the
LTTE to the Vietnamese to the IRA to the French Resistance.  No
religious ideology required.

Ken Peterson

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