[ RadSafe ] Testing bombs

Mitchell Davis mitchrn at suddenlink.net
Sun Jun 29 23:06:42 CDT 2008


When are you going to do something about the rude, idiotic behavior of this
"Man"?  I have watched, commented, bit my tongue, vomited, yelled and railed
on this "person" for more years than I can count.  Regardless of Mr. Koff's
comments, there is no professional provision for the "Village Idiot Franz"s"
rude and quite frankly worthless account's or comments.  Franz's comments,
on more than one occasion, are worthless and not worthy of the
professionalism generally shown here on RADSAFE.  When, Sir, as moderator
are you going to do something about it?  I do expect, as I am sure most on
here do, a rapid and appropriate response.


Mitchell Davis, RN, RRPT
Midland, TX

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl] On Behalf
Of franz.schoenhofer at chello.at
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2008 10:51 AM
To: Maury Siskel; Steven Dapra; Geo>K0FF
Cc: radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Testing bombs

I am really impressed by your expert knowledge as you might know. I am
further surprised to read that TNT explosions are atomic bombs and that
"atomic bombs" have to do with atomic reactions outside the nucleus. 

Obviously you live in a time at least seven decades ago. You have missed the
fact, that Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann have found that by neutron
bombardement the uranium nucleus is split. You have missed all the
subsequent research on nuclear fission, including the use of atomic bombs.
This is not surprising taking into account your RADSAFE postings. 

I have not reacted to your postings since many months, not even your illegal
commercial postings, but now I do - simply because of concern that
journalists, anti-nuclear activists and greens may take up your unfounded
and silly posting that contradicts any text book for school pupils and would
blackmail the scientific community of being incompetent. Could you please
refrain from commenting on topics which you have no clue of? - Sorry that
would be most of the topics on RADSAFE. 

Best regards,


---- "Geo>K0FF" <GEOelectronics at netscape.com> schrieb:
> All these bombs are nuclear bombs., that is having to do with the nucleus 
> The fusion bombs are "Hydrogen bombs". All other explosive, TNT etc. are 
> atomic bombs by definition, that is having to do with atomic reactions 
> outside the nucleus.
> George Dowell
> New London Nucleonics lab

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