[ RadSafe ] Concerns Could Reduce Radiation Sensor Deployment

garyi at trinityphysics.com garyi at trinityphysics.com
Tue Sep 9 09:28:25 CDT 2008

No, that's not a good analogy, because there is a history of terrorist attacks culminating in the 
911 attack, but tigers have never attacked you or your neighbours, and you did not plant the 
palm trees in an effort to protect yourself from tigers.

It might be better to say that at one time there were widespread tiger attacks, and then after 
some counter action, the vast majority of tiger attacks are concentrated in one place where 
tiger killers lay in wait.  That's more in line with the actual situation.

-Gary Isenhower  

On 8 Sep 2008 at 20:19, BLHamrick at aol.com wrote:

From:           	BLHamrick at aol.com
Date sent:      	Mon, 8 Sep 2008 20:19:28 EDT
Subject:        	Re: [ RadSafe ] Concerns Could Reduce Radiation Sensor 
To:             	cjb01 at health.state.ny.us, HOWARD.LONG at comcast.net
Copies to:      	radsafe at radlab.nl

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Oh, that's quite funny, and absolutely true.

Also, in response to Howard, I have to say that the fact that there
have  not been other attacks in the U.S. is no proof that anything
we've done has  been effective.  I could as easily say that the palm
trees in my back yard  are effective tiger repellents, because I
haven't ever had a tiger in my back  yard.


In a message dated 9/8/2008 8:55:46 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, 
cjb01 at health.state.ny.us writes:

SDI is  actually a pretty good analogy.  It works, but only if there
is  only one missile at a time and we know its coming and what its
trajectory  will be. Detecting nukes at the border would be effective
under  similar circumstances: If we know the terrorist is coming, when
he's coming  and where, it will be no problem to identify the nuke
he's  carrying.

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