[ RadSafe ] Consideration of the Nuclear Option

Wade Allison w.allison1 at physics.ox.ac.uk
Tue Dec 1 17:30:43 CST 2009

I am responsible for this. I was using radsafe as an emailing list without looking at the house rules. I am so concerned about the message that I have been using all methods of getting it out. However I apologise if it seemed anonymous or I have misused your list. I have only just joined although I have been trying to write a book that would get "through" 60 years of misunderstanding for nearly four years. Perhaps I have made it understandable, perhaps not. If not, someone else should try. My children and wife say that they can understand it,  and my students and ex-students are very supportive. The science is all there although the biology is sketchy. What do you all think?
Wade Allison
Professor Wade Allison, MA DPhil  w.allison1 at physics.ox.ac.uk 
Denys Wilkinson Bldg., Keble Rd, Oxford, UK
Fellow & Tutor in Physics, Keble College, Oxford, UK 
"Radiation and Reason" http://www.radiationandreason.com <http://www.radiationandreason.com/>  (Oct09) 0-9562756-1-3
"Fundamental Physics for Probing and Imaging" http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-920389-X <https://winfe.physics.ox.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-920389-X>  (Oct06)


From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl on behalf of Radiation and Reason
Sent: Tue 01/12/2009 17:31
To: radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Consideration of the Nuclear Option

Radiation and Reason

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                Science and reason call for a new
                attitude towards radiation and its safety
Just Published...
Radiation and Reason
By Professor Wade Allison, University of Oxford

        "I very much agree with the conclusions of this book, and am very pleased to see them presented in a style that makes them accessible to the general reader."
- Sir Eric Ash, FRS

"If Professor Allison's well-documented arguments are right - and if people can be persuaded to examine them! - his book gives us a little more hope of confronting the problems posed by both dwindling fossil fuel reserves and the release of their waste products into the atmosphere.
- Michael Frayn, author and playwright

Wade Allison takes a fresh look at the science hidden from open discussion behind the nuclear door that has long been barred and bolted in the name of safety. The book is a popular but professional scientific explanation of what nuclear can do for the environment - and why its effect on human life has been so misjudged in the past.

The case for a complete change in attitude towards radiation safety is unrelated to the effects of climate change. But the realisation that radiation and nuclear energy are much safer than is usually supposed is of extreme importance to the current discussion of alternatives to fossil fuels and their relative costs.

Speaking about why he has now decided to challenge the status quo, Wade Allison says,

"This book is an expedition into the 'no-go' area of radiation and nuclear physics. The reader who joins this expedition need bring no special scientific skills, just an open mind and a readiness to think in the light of the evidence. I have no axe to grind, I have no links with the nuclear industry, I just want to see the truth out there for the benefit of the environment. So many people have been under a misapprehension for so long."

Climate change is no idle threat, and no other book aimed at a wide audience has asked significant questions about radiation and why there is apprehension of the nuclear option as an alternative to fossil fuels.

Further details on the website
http://www.radiationandreason.com <http://www.radiationandreason.com/> 

ISBN 978-0-9562756-1-5
Copies available via the website and from major booksellers

Author available for interview or
comment via wade.allison at gmail.com

Review copies available on request
Trade orders from York Publishing Services Tel 01904 431213 or
cpoole at yps-publishing.co.uk

All publicity enquiries:
cpoole at yps-publishing.co.uk
wade.allison at gmail.com


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