[ RadSafe ] Leak Test MDA

alstonchris at netscape.net alstonchris at netscape.net
Thu Sep 24 17:13:11 CDT 2009


The figure you cite is the regulatory limit?on removable activity, beyond which you must remove the source from service, and repair it or dispose of it.? Clearly, if your MDA is not at least that low, you cannot demonstrate compliance.? I would?think that most people would prefer, operationally, to have an MDA that is a relatively small fraction of the limit, so that you can act before the fact, if a source appears to be failing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Harness, Kyle <kharness at ohmartvega.com>
To: radsafe at radlab.nl
Sent: Thu, Sep 24, 2009 9:06 am
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Leak Test MDA

Could someone please point me towards the reference(s) containing the
basis or calculation for the MDA of 0.005 microcuries in leak testing a
sealed source?  I can't seem to find it anywhere.  Or if you can't
remember the document, an explanation would suffice.  Thanks in advance
for the million responses I am going to get on this!


Kyle Harness

Radiation Safety Officer

Ohmart/VEGA Corp.

4241 Allendorf Drive

Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 USA

[tel]  513.272.0524 ext. 211

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www <http://www.ohmartvega.com/> .ohmartvega.com

KHarness at ohmartvega.com


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