[ RadSafe ] Swede held for building nuclear reactor in kitchen

franz.schoenhofer at chello.at franz.schoenhofer at chello.at
Wed Aug 3 14:21:49 CDT 2011


First of all I do not understand why you ridicule the Swedish language - if you can't spell the Swedish language - leave it, nobody will blame you for that and nobody who can't do it is mentally retarded, as well as nobody of the many billion people on earth who cannot speak or even read English because of different writing systems. Though being Austrian I speak Swedish fluently and I have no problem with it, but my problem is to write it on my computer because my keyboard does not know the "Swedish o", which is the "a" with a circle above.

Secondly: I read the article and it is just one of those "urban legends", that one only needs  some americium from a smoke detector to build a nuclear reactor. The whole journal is to me rather suspicious and of very low level. Even lower were the comments of readers. 

Thirdly there was some time ago a discussion on the "Atomic Boy scout" on RADSAFE. I found the book on e-Bay and bought it. It was quite funny and in the beginning the considerations of the "Boy Scout" were somewhat fancy, but later it became more and more unrealistic. That he contaminated the house however is realistic.

It is a good joke, but nothing more. 

Best regards,


---- "Strickert schrieb:
> Apparently the man was arrested, but later released, after failing on his nuclear reactor construction licensing application to correctly spell the name of the Swedish Radiation Authority.  You can try spelling it, too; but don't cheat and look in the article first.
> http://www.thelocal.se/35306/20110802/ 
> From the article you'll probably note a few problems with his attempted reactor engineering approach, although the 6,000 kroner ($950) cost is attractive.  The article didn't say if his apartment was on the first floor... or not, which of course would be a limiting factor.
> Rick Strickert
> Austin, TX
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Franz Schoenhofer, PhD, MinRat
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A-1160 Vienna
mobile: ++43 699 1706 1227

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