[ RadSafe ] Evolution, radiation, space travel, etc.

John Gerald Center, Jr john.center at wmich.edu
Thu Aug 11 07:07:24 CDT 2011

Morning all,

I believe creation theory and evolution theory can coincide.  Just look at an assembly line manufacturing system.  The machinery is created and the results are engineered yet there still are "abnormal" outcomes from the process.  Quality control tries to limit and remove these, but what if we just kept letting them through and let someone without the knowledge of the original purpose/intent fix the original machine when it stopped making anything.  Would it be fixed to make initial product or whatever was the last incarnation of what came off the line?

So much "human" knowledge is lost and rediscovered over generations it is hard to tell if it came from outside our realm or if it was achieved through natural curiosity and destroyed by closed minded people trying to thwart a new way of living.  

If we are an alien experiment, perhaps they haven't found any quantifiable data on the effects of low-dose chronic exposure either and they are trying to see results in us.  If they are, I think we as humans still have a long time to go before the experiment will be concluded.

Thanks for the post, Joe.

My thought process,


----- Original Message -----
> From: JPreisig at aol.com
> To: radsafe at agni.phys.iit.edu
> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 2:43:11 AM
> Subject: [ RadSafe ] Evolution, radiation, space travel, etc.
> Hi Radsafe,
> _jpreisig at aol.com_ (mailto:jpreisig at aol.com)
> Hey all. I know many UFO's in the USA and the world are early
> versions of new planes,
> stealth fighters/bombers, flying wings etc. being tested by the USA,
> etc. But what about the rest.
> Sorry in advance --- I've been watching space alien shows on the
> history channel etc.
> These here aliens have fission/fusion driven spacecraft or whatever
> and
> such airships have dynamical,
> velocity and acceleration capabilities beyond what the USA seems to
> have.
> What follows is a bit shaky, and you can kid me about it later. I
> haven't read Chariots of the Gods,
> nor do I read much science fiction.
> Apparently there is considerable petroglyph etc. evidence to
> indicate space aliens have been
> here on Earth and they have had some fair impact on older
> civilizations.
> The other thing that becomes clear from these so called shows is
> that the Earth is a
> genetic/DNA testing ground and the Earth's creatures (including US)
> are all
> genetically
> engineered beings. I am Catholic and believe in God/Jesus. As for many
> of the other so-called
> gods (Greek/Roman gods etc.) they may be unreal or perhaps result from
> some visiting alien
> presence. I'd take a wicked cheap shot at how the Mormon/LDS church
> was
> founded/started,
> but I'd better hold back. I actually know a guy named Joseph Smith
> from
> the western USA
> and I don't want to step on any toes. If humans, lizards, apes, cats,
> dogs, fish, amoeba,
> parameciums are all individually engineered structures/beings, then
> what
> about evolution???
> Is Evolution just not true???? Whoa???!!!!
> Yeah, what kind of drugs am I on tonight.
> There seems to be a desire for some space aliens to live
> underground, perhaps for hiding
> out from humans, for avoiding space radiation etc.??? Strange.
> Perhaps we humans aren't here for some higher purpose at all --- no
> meaning to life????
> Maybe we're just labor for bringing gold etc. out of the ground.
> Perhaps
> space crews from
> elsewhere take favorable critters (including some of us humans) and
> relocate them to their
> faraway planets. Right now, I kind of feel like a creature from the
> movie
> --- the Island of Dr.
> Moreau. Are we not men??? (What is the law????). Guess you had to se
> the first version of this movie.
> How would no evolution affect our thinking about radiation, health
> physics and the work that
> we do???? Maybe I'll think about it tomorrow
> Regards, Joseph R. (Joe) Preisig, PhD
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John G. Center, Jr.
Radiation Safety Officer
3922 Wood Hall
Western Michigan University
1903 W. Michigan Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI  49008-5410

Office (269) 387-5933
Cell  (269) 744-0996
E-mail: john.center at wmich.edu
Fax  (269) 387-5888

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