[ RadSafe ] " Richard Osborne to Receive Sievert Award "

Bill Prestwich prestwic at mcmaster.ca
Thu Aug 11 08:43:09 CDT 2011

In hearty agreement,


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From: radsafe-bounces at agni.phys.iit.edu
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Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 7:01 PM
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Subject: [ RadSafe ] " Richard Osborne to Receive Sievert Award "

Bravo !!


Richard Osborne to Receive Sievert Award 

IRPA has selected Dr. Richard Osborne to receive the Sievert Award for his
outstanding contributions in the field of radiation protection. The Award
will be presented at the opening session of the 13th International IRPA
Congress in Glasgow, Scotland next May. The Award is made in honor of Rolf
M. Sievert, a pioneer in radiation physics and radiation protection.
Following the Award presentation, Dr. Osborne will deliver the Sievert

Richard Osborne received his Ph.D. in biophysics from London University in
1962. In 1963 he joined Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) at the Chalk
River Laboratories (CRL) as a research officer in the Health Physics Branch.
He was appointed Manager of the Environmental Research Branch at CRL in
1981. From 1991-1994 he had responsibility for all occupational safety and
health protection programs in AECL Research, in addition to the
responsibility for directing the research program in health sciences. From
1994 until he retired from AECL in 1998 he directed the AECL research
programs in radiation biology, health physics and environmental research.

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