[ RadSafe ] this CME appears set to deliver a blow to Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 28th.

Maury maurysis at peoplepc.com
Sat Nov 26 23:07:12 CST 2011

Space Weather News for Nov. 26, 2011

CME AND RADIATION STORM: A solar radiation storm is in progress around 
Earth. At the moment (the late hours of Nov. 26th), the storm is 
classified as minor, which means it has little effect on our planet 
other than to disturb HF radio transmissions at high latitudes. Bigger 
effects, however, could be in the offing.  The same blast that caused 
the radiation storm also hurled a CME into space, and this CME appears 
set to deliver a blow to Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 28th.  
Geomagnetic storms and auroras are possible when the cloud arrives.  
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