[ RadSafe ] Busby is a waste of bandwidth; from busby

Busby, Chris C.Busby at ulster.ac.uk
Sat Oct 29 04:39:10 CDT 2011

Zaire R, Notter M, Riedel W, Thiel E, (1997) Unexpected rates of chromosome instabilities and alterations of hormone levels in Namibian Uranium miners Radiation Research 147 579-584.

How about that one?


-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at agni.phys.iit.edu on behalf of Mark Sonter
Sent: Fri 28/10/2011 23:59
To: radsafe at agni.phys.iit.edu
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Busby is a waste of bandwidth
Dear Radsafers,

I am so fed up with this thread and Busby's weird new weapon coverup 
fantasies. It is a waste of time.

Uranium is present in all soils, at something like 3 ppm +/- a factor of 
10 or more.

Uranium mill workers over the last half century don't show genetic 
problems and I bet they have ingested / inhaled similar or indeed much 
more than Chris's subjects.

DU *must* be toxicologically identical to nonD-U.

Let's have a bit of common sense here...

Can the moderator please call a halt to this pointless debate??

Mark Sonter

Radiation Advice & Solutions Pty Ltd,   abn 31 891 761 435
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Phone / fax  (07) 3297 7653   Mobile 0412 433 286 or 0447 755598

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