[ RadSafe ] More on San Onofre

JPreisig at aol.com JPreisig at aol.com
Sat Apr 7 21:55:09 CDT 2012

      The earthquake in Japan was quite large (9.0  or whatever) and the 
earthquake zone was
very close in proximity to Japan's coastline, thus creating the problems  
that happened.
      The faults near San Onofre are land based,  would not create a 
tsunami, and the earthquake
magnitudes might or might not approach 9.0 in magnitude.  A southern  
California (or northern
California) earthquake would make some pretty nasty surface waves  
(Rayleigh waves, Love waves etc.)
and give a nuclear plant a good shaking.  But, I doubt it would  produce a 
20 to 40 foot wall of
Ocean water.
      Right now, I'd be more concerned about a  very large earthquake 
occuring off the
coast of Seattle, Washington (USA) and any produced tsunami that would  
reach Seattle.
A look at the bay around Seattle (Puget Sound) might give you some idea of  
why people are
concerned about such an event.  Are there any nuclear power plants in  the 
vicinity of Seattle or
Puget Sound????  Again, the earthquake zone would be pretty close to  the 
city of Seattle.
     San Onofre will probably fix their problems and go  back online fairly 
quickly.  Why all the hubbub???
     Regards,   Joseph R. (Joe) Preisig,  PhD
In a message dated 4/7/2012 9:34:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
sjd at swcp.com writes:

Apr.  7


A quote from the article:

Anti-nuclear activists living near  San Onofre have seized on the 
disaster [Fukushima] to argue that nuclear  plants are unsafe.

"We saw what happened in Japan and we're terrified  that it could 
happen right here in Southern California," said Patti Davis,  a member 
of the local community groups San Clemente Green and San Onofre  Safety.

Concerned residents in the area around the plant have bought  Geiger 
counters that plug into smartphones and iPads to monitor for any  
potential radiation emissions from the plant.

Former nuclear  executive Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates, a 
consulting company,  prepared a report released last month that argued 
that design  modifications in the newly installed steam generators, 
such as different  alloy for the tubes, led to problems at the plant.

Yeah,  tsunamis happen all the time in southern California.  I would 
be  terrified too.

Does anyone know what the story is on  these Geiger counters that 
plug into smartphones and iPads?  (I don't  so much as know what a 
smartphone is, nor an iPad.)

Arnie Gundersen seems to be replacing David Lochbaum as the 
convenient  expert scaremonger.  His entry on  Wikipedia:


Steven  Dapra

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